From time to time, we portray an #itsawolvisfriend*.
Meet Lies, copywriter and childhood friend of Griet.

Who are you? What do you do?
I am Lies Poignie, I’m a 35 year old publisher and freelance copywriter. I love to create clear messages by choosing the perfect words. With the right tone and nuances…
How are you connected to wolvis?
I write Griet’s texts. What’s wolvis about, what’s the inspiration for the new collection… What I enjoy the most, is to find a name for a new collection. Griet creates a very strong, coherent atmosphere. And then it’s my job to grasp the entire story in one catchy title.
What do you associate wolvis with?
With style and finesse, with people who love things that are meticulously manufactured. With aesthetics, but not in a clean way. I love my wolvis high in the mountains, or by the campfire…
Who would you like to give a wolvis to? Why?
I’d like to give a miniwolvis to Kasper, Mattis and Lauren, my three godchildren. A colourful accessory, keeping them warm during their entire childhood. Something to cherish forever… And they’ll look so cute with their scarves!
When and how did you get to know wolvis?
I knew it before it even existed! I was there when Griet started to experiment with her first knitting machine, we drove to a little wool shop together and came back with a car full of wool… Who would have thought wolvis would grow into a renowned brand so quickly!
What’s your favorite item from the Lieux de Mémoire collection?
This 16th of July, because I fell in love with the electric blue and adore the combination with the deep purple.
How do you like to wear your wolvis? What do you combine your scarf with?
I’m not too good at combining colours myself, but apparently this wolvis matches wonderfully well with old rose. (laughs) I think I’ll wear this combination a lot…
Why does this scarf have a special meaning to you?
I own a whole series of wolvis scarves by now, but this one has some extra radiance… I find it very special to have a matching miniwolvis for my newborn son Edward!
What’s your most beautiful memory so far with your wolvis scarf?
To look at the stars, while lying underneath a very thick, broad, ocher-orange wolvis from the very first collection. This scarf has the old logo, including a fish, and is more like a blanket than a scarf…